Boccia courts; outdoor and indoor

Boccia is a ball sport, the Italian version of boules, which pits two competitors or teams against each other. The aim of the game is to place your own balls as close to the smaller ball (pallino) that was thrown earlier. You also try to hit the opponent’s balls away (raffa or volo) from the pallino. The game is played on a flat court, either outdoors or indoors.History of bocciaSimilar to
Boccia courts
Tags: Tourism and Leisure time, Leisure facilities, Fitness parks, Precision sports, Boules-type game
Spatial extent: Switzerland
Time: 2015
Map objects: AB Camignolese, BA Luzerner Sportclub / BC VB Luzern / BS FC Luzern, BC Allschwil, BC Amical, BC Arbon, BC Avanti Neuhausen, BC Basel, BC Bienne, BC Birsfelden, BC Corgémont, BC Couvet, BC Dietikon, BC Ebikon, BC Feldmühle Primavera, BC Fribourg Beauregard, BC Garbela, BC Gloria, BC Höri, BC Itschnach, BC Kirchberg, BC Kreuzlingen, BC Lorze Baar, BC Möhlin, BC Montagnard, BC Naters, BC Neuchâtel, BC Neufeld, BC Nexans, BC Poschiavino, BC Richterswil, BC Rorbas-Embrach, BC Rothrist, BC San Giacomo Schmerikon, BC Schaffhausen, BC Schönenberg, BC Sempione, BC St. Gallen, BC Thayngen, BC Thun, BC Uster, BC Uzwil, BC VB Luzern, BC Viamala Thusis, BC Visp, BC Wettingen, BC Wetzikon, BC Windisch, BC Wolhusen, BC Würenlos, BS FC Kickers, BS FC Littau, BS Schindler Ebikon, BS Viscosuisse, CB Ticinese Basilea, GB Pro Ticino Lucerna, SB Agno, SB Arognese, SB Aurora Losone, SB Aurora Sala Capriasca, SB Bar Motto Mesocco, SB Bassa Mesolcina, SB Bleniese, SB Brissago, SB Campionese, SB Centrale Novazzano, SB Cercera Rancate, SB Chiodi-Montagna, SB Comano-Ciceri, SB Condor Club 2000, SB Grenchen, SB Ideal Coldrerio, SB La Gerla Cadempino, SB La Romantica Balerna, SB Libertas Camorino, SB Lugano / SB Sfera Lugano, SB Malcantonese, SB Massagnesi-Breganzona, SB Pregassona, SB Riva San Vitale, SB Romano Mendrisio, SB San Gottardo Chiasso, SB Stella Locarno, SB Tenza Castione, SB Torchio Biasca, SB Tricolore, SB Vallemaggia Cavergno, SB Verzaschese Gordola, UB Arzo, UB Bernese, UB Letzi / SB Pro Ticino Zurigo, UB Winterthur