Caverns and mines open to the public

Mining has been practised since the Stone Age, through the Middle Ages and up to the present day. While mines were initially used to obtain flint, mineral ores and smelting techniques were later discovered and developed so that metals could be obtained from them. In Switzerland, many mines still exist and bear witness to the hard work that went on underground. Most of them originate from the past
Caverns and mines open to the public
Tags: Nature and Environment, Geology and raw materials, Caves and karstic processes, Geology
Spatial extent: Switzerland
Time: 2002
Map objects: Chrästel (bei Buch ZH), Gonzen (SG), Grotte aux Fées à St. Maurice, Grottes de Réclère, Grottes de Vallorbe, Höllgrotten Baar, Hölloch im Muotatal, Käpfnach (Horgen ZH), Kristallhöhle Kobelwald, Lac souterrain de St. Léonard, Mine de cuivre de la Lée, Mines d’Asphalte (Presta), Moulins souterrains Col-des-Roches, Oberwiesen (bei Schleitheim), Plattenberg bei Engi, Saline de Bex, Schmelzra Val S-charl, Silberberg bei Davos, St. Beatushöhlen, Trachsellauenen (BE)