Christmas in Europe

Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. In most Christian countries, Christmas is celebrated traditionally between 24 December and 27 December. Furthermore, in almost all countries that maintain Christian customs, a sumptuous feast and the giving of presents to one another are at the centre of the celebrations.In some countries, however, over the years, classical Christmas
Christmas in Europe
Tags: Global Switzerland, Society and Culture, Celebrations, events and customs
Spatial extent: Europe
Time: 2023
Map objects: Angyal, Aniolek, Babagjyshi i Viti te Ri, Babai i Krishtlindjeve, Babbo Natale, Befana, Bodach na Nollaig, Bozicek, Christchind, Christkind, Daidi na Nollag, Ded Moroz, Deda Mraz, Dedek Mraz, Dedo Mraz, Did Moroz, Djed Bozicnjak, Dyado Koleda, Dzieciatko, Dzied Maroz, Els Tres Reis, Father Christmas, Gesù Bambino, Jezisek, Jezisko, Jezuscek, Jezuska, Jólasveinar, Jõuluvana, Julemanden, Julenissen, Julgubben, Jultomten, Kaledu Senelis, Kerstman, Le Petit Jésus, Les Rois Mages, Mali Isus, Miklavz, Mikulas, Mos Craciun, Mos Nicolae, Näärivana, Nikolaus, Noel Baba, Pai Natal, Papa Noel, Père Noël, Petit Jesus, Reyes Magos, Saint Basil the Great, Sinterklaas, Siôn Corn, St Nicholas, St Nikolaus, Svaty Mikulas, Sveti Nikola, Sveti Trije kralji, Sviaty Mikalaj, Sviatyj Mykolaj, Swiety Mikolaj, Telapo, Weihnachtmann, Ziemassvetku Vecitis