Development of the zero degree line

The temperature in the lower atmosphere decreases with increasing altitude and falls below 0 °C at a certain point. This altitude is referred to as the zero degree limit. The zero degree line influences, among other things, the development of vegetation, the snow line and the water cycle, thereby decisively shaping the habitats of humans, animals and plants.The near-ground zero degree line is
Development of the zero degree line
Tags: Nature and Environment, Weather and climate, Winter, Snow, Temperature
Spatial extent: Switzerland
Times: 1864-1893, 1885-1914, 1910-1939, 1935-1964, 1960-1989, 1985-2014, 2010-2039, 2040-2069, 2070-2099
Distinction: Winter, Measurements, Summer, Measurements, Winter, Scenario with climate protection, Summer, Scenario with climate protection, Winter, Scenario without climate protection, Summer, Scenario without climate protection, Winter, Comparison of climate scenarios, Summer, Comparison of climate scenarios