Reserves for waterfowl and migrant birds of national importance (WV)

Switzerland is very significant as a place of hibernation and resting for many species of migrating waterbirds. This applies in particular to Lake Constance, the Rhine and Aare rivers, Lake Neuchatel and the Lake of Geneva. Many of these birds arrive in Switzerland in October from their breeding areas of northern and eastern Europe and leave Switzerland again in the spring. Other areas are either
Reserves for waterfowl and migrant birds (WV)
Tags: Landscape and Space, Landscapes/Habitats, Protected areas, Nature conservation, Animals
Spatial extent: Switzerland
Time: 2015
Map objects: Aare bei Solothurn und Naturschutzreservat Aare Fl, Alter Rhein: Thal, Benkner-, Burger- und Kaltbrunner-Riet, Bolle di Magadino, Chablais (Lac de Morat), Chevroux jusqu’à Portalban, Col de Bretolet, Ermatinger Becken, Fanel jusqu’à Chablais de Cudrefin, Pointe de Mar, Grandson jusqu’à Champ-Pittet, Greifensee, Häftli bei Büren, Hagneckdelta und St. Petersinsel, Kanderdelta bis Hilterfingen, Klingnauerstausee, Lac de la Gruyère à Broc, Lac de Pérolles, Les Grangettes, Neeracher Ried, Pfäffikersee, Plaine de l’Orbe – Chavornay, Pointe de Promenthoux, Reuss: Bremgarten – Zufikon bis Brücke von Rotten, Rhône-Verbois, Rive droite du Petit-Lac, Rive gauche du Petit-Lac, Rorschacher Bucht / Arbon, Salavaux, Stausee Niederried, Stein am Rhein, Wauwilermoos, Witi, Wohlensee (Halenbrücke bis Wohleibrücke), Yvonand jusqu’à Cheyres, Zürich-Obersee: Guntliweid bis Bätzimatt