Swiss national sports associations

Switzerland’s sports federations are responsible for organising national playing activities in their particular sport through championships and refereeing. They are also tasked with providing sponsorship and training in performance-oriented sport. On top of this, they act as interest groups and umbrella organisations for their clubs and represent their sport at international level. Larger
National sports associations
Tags: Tourism and Leisure time, Sports federations, Major sports federations, Ball game, Precision sports, Leisure time, Top-class sports
Spatial extent: Switzerland
Time: 2015
Distinction: Founding year, Year of joining Swiss Olympic, Number of members
Map objects: Aero-Club der Schweiz, Association Suisse de Golf, ATB Verband für Sport-Freizeit-Verkehr, Auto Sport Schweiz, Cevi Schweiz, Eidgenössischer Armbrustschützen-Verband, Eidgenössischer Hornusserverband, Fédération Suisse de Pétanque, Fédération Suisse de Sport-Boules, Fédération Suisse de Twirling-Bâton, Federazione Svizzera di Bocce, Föderation der Motorradfahrer der Schweiz, Kadettenverband Schweiz, Naturfreunde Schweiz, Pentathlon Suisse, PluSport Behindertensport Schweiz, Schweizer Unterwasser-Sport-Verband, Schweizer Wanderwege, Schweizer Wasserfahrverband, Schweizerische Lebensrettungs-Gesellschaft, Schweizerischer Amateur-Gewichtheber-Verband, Schweizerischer Billard Verband, Schweizerischer Eisstockverband, Schweizerischer Firmensportverband, Schweizerischer Hängegleiter-Verband, Schweizerischer Pontonier-Sportverband, Schweizerischer Rollhockey-Verband, Schweizerischer Rollsport-Verband, Schweizerischer Sportkegler-Verband, Schweizerischer Sportverband öffentlicher Verkehr, Schweizerischer Verband für Sport in der Schule, Schweizerischer Wasserski und Wakeboard Verband, Sport Union Schweiz, Swiss-Ski, Swiss Alpine Club, Swiss American Football Association, Swiss Archery Association, Swiss Athletics, Swiss Badminton, Swiss Baseball and Softball Federation, Swiss Basketball, Swiss Boxing Federation, Swiss Canoe Federation, Swiss Casting Sport Federation, Swiss Chess Federation, Swiss Cycling, Swiss Dancesport Federation, Swiss Disc Sports, Swiss Equestrian Federation, Swiss Fencing, Swiss Football Association, Swiss Guide & Scout Movement, Swiss Gymnastics Association, Swiss Handball Federation, Swiss Hockey, Swiss Ice Hockey Federation, Swiss Inline Hockey Federation, Swiss Judo- & Ju-Jitsu Association, Swiss Karate Federation, Swiss Minigolf, Swiss Orienteering, Swiss Paraplegics Association, Swiss Rowing Federation, Swiss Rugby Federation, Swiss Sailing, Swiss Shooting Association, Swiss Skating Association, Swiss Sliding, Swiss Snow Bike, Swiss Squash, Swiss Streethockey Association, Swiss Swimming Federation, Swiss Table Tennis, Swiss Taekwondo, Swiss Tennis, Swiss Triathlon, Swiss Tug-of-war Association, Swiss Unihockey, Swiss University Sport Federation, Swiss Volley, Swiss Wrestling, Swiss Wushu, Swisscurling Association, Swissfit