Wind power installations: type of installation

Wind energy facilities utilise the kinetic energy of airflow to rotate turbine blades. The mechanical energy, which is generated, is converted by a generator into electricity.The first wind energy facility in Switzerland was put into operation near Soolhof (Langenbruck SO) in 1986 with a capacity of 28 kilowatts. As of 2016 there are 37 wind plants in operation in Switzerland with a total
Wind power installations: type of installation
Tags: Economy and Energy, Primary energy, Wind energy, Renewable energy, Energy
Spatial extent: Switzerland
Times: 1997, 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015, 2019
Map objects: Allenwinden, Alpboden-Haldigrat, Berg, Beringen SH, Brütten 1, Brütten 2, Centrale éolienne de Mt. Crosin, Centrale éolienne de Peuchapatte, Centrale éolienne de St. Brais, Charrat VS, Adonis, Chli Titlis, Chürstein (Gäbris), Collonges, Diegenstal, Feldmoos/Rengg, Feldmoos/Rengg Windpark, Feusisberg, Goldau, Gries, Gries Windpark, Gütsch, Gütsch Windpark, Haldenstein, Hettlingen ZH, Hochstuckli, Horn, La Ferrière, Lajoux, Le Cerneux-Veusil, Lutersarni, Marthalen, Martigny, Mt. Crosin, Oberer Grenchenberg, Oberhelfenschwil, Peuchapatte, Rüttenen, Schaber Emmental, Schmiedrued, Schüpfheim, Schwengimatt, Simplon Passhöhe, Sool, Langenbruck, St. Brais, St. Moritz, Tramelan, Vilters, Winterthur Taggenberg 1 und 2, Winterthur Wiesendangerstrasse