Production plants of the cement industry
In Switzerland, the cement industry, the lime industry (combined under the term binding material industry) and the plaster industry are domains dealing with the industrial production of rocks. Mines are found under «rock extraction» and brickyards and brick production plants are found under «brickyards».Cement production began in Switzerland in the early 20th century continued to increase in
Cement industry
Tags: Nature and Environment, Geology and raw materials, Mineral raw materials, Rocks, Geology
Spatial extent: Switzerland
Times: 1935, 1965, 1995, 2015
Map objects: Baulmes, Beckenried, Bex, Castel San Pietro, Cornaux, Därligen, Delémont, Eclépens, Ennetmoos, Granges, Heimberg, Holderbank, Holderbank (AG), Ingenbohl, La Heutte, Läufelfingen, Lausen, Leissigen, Leuggern, Leuk, Liesberg, Lupfig, Meride, Monthey, Möriken-Wildegg, Münchenstein, Netstal, Noiraigue, Olten, Péry, Quarten, Rekingen (AG), Reuchenette, Roche (VD), Rüthi (SG), Saint-Maurice, Saint-Sulpice (NE), Saint-Ursanne, Schinznach Bad, Sierre, Siggenthal, Thayngen, Untervaz, Vernier, Vierwaldstättersee, Vouvry, Walensee, Walenstadt, Wildegg, Würenlingen, Zell (LU)