Structure of the Swiss Confederacy in the 18th century

During the 18th century, the Old Swiss Confederacy bore no resemblance to a state in modern terms. In fact, it was made up of a network of small sovereign states which had formed a loose confederation of states. However, not all Swiss regions were equally integrated in this federation. The Thirteen Old Cantons, which were either urban or rural locations, formed the core. Zurich, Bern, Lucerne,
Structure of the Swiss Confederacy in the 18th century
Tags: History and Future, Territorial development
Spatial extent: Switzerland plus
Time: 1798
Map objects: Appenzell, Baden, Basel, Bellenz (Bellinzona), Bern, Biel, Biel/Bienne, Bollenz (Blenio), Cleven (Chiavenna), Engelberg, Freiamt, Freiburg, Fribourg, Fürstbistum Basel, Genf, Gersau, Glarus, Gotteshausbund, Grandson, Grasburg / Schwarzenburg, Grauer Bund, Hohensax/Gams, La Neuveville, Lauis (Lugano), Luggarus (Locarno), Luzern, Maiental (Val Maggia), Mendris (Mendrisio), Morat, Moutier-Grandval, Mülhausen/Mulhouse, Mulhouse, Neuenburg, Orbe und Echallens, Österreich/Habsburg, Rapperswil, Reffier (Riviera), Rheintal, Rottweil, Sargans, Schaffhausen, Schwyz, Solothurn, St. Gallen, Stadt St.Gallen, Sünders (Sondrio), Thurgau, Unterwalden, Uri, Uznach, Villars-Espiney, Wallis, Windegg / Gaster , Worms (Bormio), Zehngerichtebund, Zug, Zürich